A pleasant hotel within walking-distance of all the main amenities that Dusseldorf has to offer 0.508 km. Please provide credit card details upon arrival for guarantee.
Hotel Batavia is located right in the heart of Duesseldorf, just a few minutes walking distance to the prestigious shopping of Boulevard Koenigsallee and oOld Town. The main railway station is only 7 minutes walking distance. From there, you can take a train to Koeln - it will take you only 50 minutes from the hotel, to Koeln-Deutz. The train stops right in front of the Koeln-Fairground.
A total of 30 rooms with bathroom, telephone/fax-machine, and television. Non-smoking rooms are available.
A modern building, typical of the area.
There is a small breakfast room on the ground floor, furnished with light wooden furniture.
A medium-sized lobby with lobby-bar (open 24hrs).