The hotel is located in the northern part of Confucius Temple,the center of Qinhuai Scenic District in Nanjing. The hotel is a five-star hotel with distinctive national features. The hotel owns 340 guest rooms,various Chinese and Western restaurants and provides you with shopping,meeting,health & recreational facilities.The hotel is within easy access to the railway station,the airport and the subway station.It presents the ?classical,oriental demeanor and stylish airs of the Chinese Mandarins? to all the visitors.
The hotel is ideally situated in downtown area, enjoying a wonderful location in one of the city's most lively and appealing districts, the Confucius Temple area.
Stabdard room is 34 sqm. ,offers 2 Single bed(s) Or 1 Large double bed(s). Rooms are located on floors 6, 9 and 11.
The main building of the hotel represents a harmonious combination of modern and traditional style.
The restaurants are sumptuously decorated and serve a wide selection of Western and Chinese food in such pleasant atmosphere.
The lobby is large in size and tastefully decorated. (02/04AC)